Just 2.5 miles from Windsor town centre. We enjoy 5km of uninterrupted rowing between Bray and Boveney locks in one of the finest locations in the Thames Valley!
The club rows on a beautiful, non-tidal stretch of the river Thames
Bray Lock
Bray Lock marks the upper limit of the club’s 5Km reach. Rowing up from the club house with long and skinny Pigeonhill Eyot on their right, our rowers usually have a breather here. It’s also an opportunity to see how the lock keeper is regulating river flow into our reach before rowing home.

Bray Marina
Bray Marina is located at the head of Queens Eyot and just across the river from the finish line at Eton Dorney’s Olympic rowing lake! Rowers travelling down stream look out for boats leaving the Marina while steering a course along the West side of the island.
Queens Eyot
Heading down stream, rowers take the Western channel past Queens Eyot where the river then widens. On shorter outings, rowers pause in the calm water at this tranquil spot to take in the wildlife and have a breather. During the Summer regatta season, the 1.5km section from here down to club house is busy with rowers racing against each other!
Oakley Court
The river curves gently from Queens Eyot, past the Eton Dorney rowing lake and down to the manicured lawns at Oakley Court just 750m from the club house. The gothic mansion is always a welcome sight and rowers often see Cormorants and Herons along this reach.
The Clubhouse
The club was located in Eton (hence the name!) when it was founded in 1826 but moved into its purpose-built club house next to Windsor Marina in 2001. It’s a far-cry from the draughty old club house next to Eton Bridge. An open area runs down to the river and floating pontoons used for boating. It’s a hive of rowing activity where we enjoy training and social events.
Windsor Marina
Windsor Marina is our nearest neighbour, just a few metres down stream from the club house. The river is generally busier here with all kinds of boating activity, particularly during the Summer months. Our rowers keep a sharp look out! Crews waiting to return to the club’s pontoons wait along the river bank opposite the marina.
St Mary Magdalene Church
Down stream past Windsor Marina, rowers negotiate the tight bend at Ruddles Pool and approach the channel leading to the Windsor Racecourse Marina on the South bank. Opposite, Andrews Boat House on the North bank, was the temporary home of Eton Excelsior while the new club house was being built. The 13th century St Mary Magdelene church is about 400m further on, situated on the North bank.
Boveney Lock
250m past the Church of St Mary Magdalene at Boveney, rowers will be taking care to turn up stream of the large red ‘Danger’ sign to avoid the weir at Boveney Lock where the river drops 1.5m to the next reach. To the North is the green open space of Dorney Common with Windsor Racecourse on the South bank. Happily, it’s only a 1.7Km upstream haul back to the club!